作者:        发布时间:2024-02-26        阅读量:

名: Du Xing










杜星,1989年生,本硕博就读于哈尔滨工业大学,博士期间在新南威尔士大学联合培养一年。在国内外高水平学术期刊上已发表论文80余篇,其中SCI论文60余篇,H因子23,其中包括Journal of Membrane Science, Chemical Engineering JournalEnvironmental InternationalTOP期刊。以第一作者/通讯作者在SCI期刊发表论文43篇(平均影响因子大于9,中科院一区25篇)。参编行业标准1部,参编专著1。以第一发明人身份授权国家发明专利2项,实用新型专利10项,在国内外参加国际会议并做口头报告7,包括2次主旨报告。现主持6项基金,包括国家自然科学基金2项,广东省自然科学基金项目2项,广东省教育厅高校青年创新项目1项,及其16877太阳集团安全入口青年百人A类项目1项。正参与国家重点研发计划1项,广东省卓越青年团队项目1项。《水质工程学2》省级一流课程负责人。主持包括教指委和省级的教改项目82022骨干教师教育教学能力提升班,4项毕业设计创新奖。指导学生毕业设计获得立全国给排水科学与工程专业毕业设计竞赛二等奖。指导8项国赛获奖在16877太阳集团安全入口大学生创新创业竞赛体系。《太阳能产电驱动电化学耦合膜法制备净水除污集成化设备项目》入驻16877太阳集团安全入口工大创谷。培养5名研究生获国家奖学金


1. 膜法饮用水安全保障技术:陶瓷膜法除锰固锰技术,下水铁、锰、磷、锑和氨氮等无机有害离子去除,抗生素类物质去除;

2. 膜法水处理系统开发:微滤,超滤,纳滤,正渗透和陶瓷膜的应用,膜前预处理及膜污染控制,计算流体力学知识指导构建膜法水处理反应器;

3. 膜法污水/雨水回用技术:污水厂膜法中水回用,电氧化/电絮凝耦合重力驱动膜法雨水回收处理利用等。


国家自然科学基金函评专家,广东省自然科学基金函评专家,《中国给水排水》杂志青年编委,IWA水协会员、澳洲膜协会会员;《中国给水排水》,《环境工程》和《化工学报》等中文杂志审稿人;Water Research, Journal of membrane science, Journal of cleaner production, Chemical Engineering Journal, Science of the total Environment TOP期刊审稿人。


2015.12-2016.12 新南威尔士大学 化学工程学院 联合国教科文组织膜技术研究中心 联合培养博士研究生 国家留学基金委(CSC)资助

2011.09-2017.07 哈尔滨工业大学 市政环境工程学院 市政工程学科 硕博连读

2007.09-2011.07 哈尔滨工业大学 市政环境工程学院 给排水科学与工程专业








2019-032020-02,国家自然科学基金委 计划局人才处兼聘


水质工程学,水质工程学实验,给水处理厂课程设计,污水处理厂课程设计, 毕业设计,净水除污集成化设备创新课,水文学





4.广东省自然科学基金面上项目(NO:2021A1515012275),2021.5.1- 2024.4.30主持










1. 202311月,省级一流课程:《水质工程学22023,省级,主持

2. 20226月,教育部本科教指委教改项目:教育部高等学校给排水科学与工程专业教学指导分委员会教育教学改革项目,2022GPSJZW2022-43),主持

3. 20231月,广东省教育厅省级教改项目-高等教育教学改革项目(粤教高函[2023]4号),主持

4. 20236月,校级教改项目:水质工程学教研室(广工大教字〔202351号)),2023,校级,主持

5. 20226月,校级教改项目:城镇水处理厂典型水处理单元设计三维建模详解(广工大教字〔202259号)2022,校级,主持

6. 20216月,校级教改项目:《净水除污集成化设备创新训练课》创新创业课程,主持

7. 20216月,校级教改项目:新工科背景下基于OBE模式的给排水科学与工程专业实验教学改革与实践(广工大教字〔202171号)主持

8. 20216月,校级教改项目:《水质工程学2》在线开放课程,(广工大教字〔202171号),主持

9. 202012月,校级教改项目:16877太阳集团安全入口课程思政试点课程《水质工程学》,(广工大教字〔202111号),2021.01-2022.12主持


1. 2023.0816届全国大学生节能减排社会实践与科技竞赛,太阳能产电曝气流化床耦合陶瓷膜除锰一体化农村净水设备,三等奖

2.2022.08 全国高校给排水科学与工程专业本科生优秀毕业设计,二等奖

3. 2023.03,第六届“深水杯”全国大学生给排水科技创新大赛创意大赛,创意三等奖


5.2021, 14届全国大学生节能减排社会实践与科技竞赛,三等奖


7.2020, “南方泵业杯第四届全国泵与泵站知识竞赛一等奖

8.2020, 第四届深水杯全国大学生给排水科技创新大赛创意大赛

9.2020, 第四届深水杯全国大学生给排水科技创新大赛定向大赛,三等奖

10.2020, 第九届挑战杯16877太阳集团安全入口学生课外学术科技作品竞赛,三等奖

11. 2022, 第十届“挑战杯”16877太阳集团安全入口学生课外学术科技作品竞赛,二等奖


李圭白,梁恒,杜星,余华荣. 天然水除铁除锰. 中国建筑工业出版社. 2021


含铁含锰地下水接触氧化法给水处理技术规程. 标准编号:T/CECA 20011-2021. 中国勘察设计协会. 2021.10.(排名第七)


1.通讯作者, (2024) Fixed-bed ceramic membrane bioreactor (FBCMBR) coupled with intermittently fluidized ceramsite-PAC-MnOx filters by high-pressure gas for manganese removal from groundwater Performance, mechanisms and optimization. Chemical Engineering Journal. 484,149647,2024(中科院一区,IF=15.1(SCI)

2. 通讯作者, (2024)., (2024) Comprehensive effects of microplastics on algae-laden surface water treatment by Coagulation ultrafiltration combined process: Algae cultivation, coagulation performance and membrane fouling development. (2024). Science of The Total Environment. 924 (2024) 171553(中科院一区, IF=9.8(SCI)

3. 通讯作者, (2024), Enhancing manganese removal through pre-deposition of powdered activated carbon-manganese oxide (PAC-MnOx) film on gravity-driven ceramic membrane: the impact of biofilm integrity and fluid dynamics. Separation and Purification Technology, 342 (2024) 127051(中科院一区,IF=8.6(SCI)

4. 第一作者, (2024). Electrocoagulation enhanced Gravity Driven Membrane Bioreactor for Advanced Treatment of Rural Sewage.353 (2024) 120191. Journal of Environmental Management. (中科院二区,IF=8.7(SCI)

5. 通讯作者, (2024).Advanced Nitrogen and phosphorus removal from groundwater by a composite functional particle ceramic membrane bioreactor. Separation and Purification Technology,339(2024)126549.(中科院一区,IF=8.6(SCI)

6. 通讯作者, (2024).Gravity driven ceramic membrane loaded birnessite functional layer for manganese removal from groundwater: The significance of disinfection on biofilm. Separation and Purification Technology, 332,125735. (中科院一区,IF=8.6(SCI)

7. 第一作者, (2023). Assessment of the in-situ electrogenerated chloramines damaging polyamide NF membrane during secondary wastewater treatment. Journal of Membrane Science. 688, 122112. 2023.中科院, IF=9.5(SCI)

8. 通讯作者, (2024). Enhanced membrane fouling by microplastics during nanofiltration of secondary effluent considering secretion, interaction and deposition of extracellular polymeric substances. Science of The Total Environment. 906, 1671102024.中科院, IF=9.8(SCI)

9. 第一作者, (2023). Salt tide affecting algae-laden micropolluted surface water treatment and membrane performance based on BDD electro-oxidation coupled with ceramic membrane process. Environmental Research. 237, 116942, 2023. Environmental Research. 2023. 116942. (中科院二区,IF=8.3) (SCI)

10. 第一作者, (2023). Flux Improvement and Biofilm Performance of an Oblique Gravity-Driven Ceramic Membrane Bioreactor Coupled with Electrocoagulation for Roofing Rainwater Purification. ACS ES&T Engineering 2023, 3, 1813−1825IF=7.1(SCI)

11. 通讯作者, (2023). In-situ reconstruction of birnessite functional film on gravity driven ceramic membrane bioreactor for manganese removal. Journal of Water Process Engineering 55, 104240,2023(中科院二区,IF=7) (SCI)

12. 通讯作者, (2023)... Performance of a ceramsite-enhanced gravity-driven ceramic membrane (GDCM) for simultaneous manganese ion and ammonia removal. Journal of Cleaner Production. (2023)389, 136082.中科院, IF=11.1(SCI)

13. 通讯作者, (2023). Composite functional particle enhanced gravity driven ceramic membrane bioreactor for simultaneous removal of nitrogen and phosphorus from groundwater. Chemical Engineering Journal 452, 139134. (中科院一区,IF=15.1(SCI)

14. 第一作者, (2023). A facile green “wastes-treat-wastes” strategy: Electrogenerated chloramines for nanofiltration concentrate recirculation. Environmental Pollution 316, 120465. 中科院, IF=8.9(SCI)

15. 第一作者, (2023). Boron doped diamond electro-oxidation coupled with ultrafiltration for Microcystis aeruginosa and Microcystins removal in offshore environment: the significance of in-situ generation of chloramine and membrane fouling mitigation. Separation and Purification Technology, 122579. (中科院一区,IF=8.6(SCI)

16. 通讯作者, (2022). Electro-coagulation coupled with solid carrier enhanced GDCMBR as pretreatment for NF dual membrane system during surface brackish water treatment. Journal of Cleaner Production, 135021. 中科院, IF=11.1(SCI)

17. 通讯作者, (2022)., Rheological characterization of biofouling layers developing in nanofiltration processesmacroscale rheological properties of biofouling layer and micro fluid field, Chemosphere, 307 (2022) 135876. (中科院二区, IF=8.8(SCI)

18. 通讯作者, (2022), Visible LED photocatalysis combined with ultrafiltration driven by metal-free oxygen-doped graphitic carbon nitride for sulfamethazine degradation, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 439 (2022) 129632. (中科院一区, IF=13.6(SCI)

19. 第一作者, (2022). Integrated electro-coagulation and gravity driven ceramic membrane bioreactor for roofing rainwater purification: Flux improvement and extreme operating case, Science of The Total Environment, (2022) 158197. (中科院, IF=9.8(SCI).

20. 第一作者, (2022). Gravity-driven membrane bioreactor coupled with electrochemical oxidation disinfection (GDMBR-EO) to treat roofing rainwater, Chemical Engineering Journal, 427 (2022) 131714. (中科院一区,IF=15.1(SCI)

21. 通讯作者, (2021).Two-Dimensional Ultrathin Perforated Co3O4 Nanosheets Enhanced PMS-Activated Selective Oxidation of Organic Micropollutants in Environmental Remediation, Chemical Engineering Journal, (2021) 131953.(中科院一区,IF=15.1(SCI)

22. 第一作者, (2021). Rural drinking water treatment system combining solar-powered electrocoagulation and a gravity-driven ceramic membrane bioreactor, Separation and Purification Technology, (2021) 119383. (中科院一区,IF=8.6(SCI)

23. 通讯作者, (2022). Degradation of antibiotics, organic matters and ammonia during secondary wastewater treatment using boron-doped diamond electro-oxidation combined with ceramic ultrafiltration, Chemosphere, 286 (2022) 131680. (中科院二区, IF=8.8(SCI)

24. 通讯作者, (2021)., Roofing rainwater cleaner production using pilot-scale electrocoagulation coupled with a gravity-driven membrane bioreactor (EC-GDMBR): Water treatment and energy efficiency. Journal of Cleaner Production. 314, 128055. (中科院, IF=11.1(SCI)

25. 通讯作者, (2021)., Performance and microbial characteristics of a novel pilot-scale tubing biological contact oxidation reactor for rural drinking water, Journal of Water Process Engineering, 43 (2021) 102290.(中科院二区, IF=7(SCI)

26. 通讯作者, (2021)., TiO2/CTS/ATP adsorbent modification and its application in adsorption-ultrafiltration process for dye wastewater purification. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-021-13933-3. (中科院三区,IF=5.8 (SCI)

27. 第一作者, (2021). An electro-oxidation reactor for treatment of nanofiltration concentrate towards zero liquid discharge, Science of The Total Environment, 783 (2021) 146990.(中科院, IF=9.8(SCI)

28. 第一作者, (2021). Boron-doped diamond (BDD) electro-oxidation coupled with nanofiltration for secondary wastewater treatment: Antibiotics degradation and biofouling. Environment International2021; 146: 106291.(中科院一区, IF=11.8(SCI)

29. 第一作者, (2021). Pre-depositing PAC-birnessite cake layer on gravity driven ceramic membrane (GDCM) reactor for manganese removal: the significance of stable flux and biofilm. Separation and Purification Technology2021118623. (中科院一区,IF=8.6(SCI)

30. 第一作者, (2021). Gravity-driven ceramic membrane (GDCM) filtration treating manganese-contaminated surface water: effects of ozone(O3)-aided pre-coating and membrane pore size. Chemosphere, 2021(2021) 130603. (中科院二区, IF=8.8(SCI)

31. 通讯作者, (2021).. Comparison between permanganate pre-oxidation and persulfate/iron(II) enhanced coagulation as pretreatment for ceramic membrane ultrafiltration of surface water contaminated with manganese and algae. Environmental Research. 2021. 110942. (中科院二区,IF=8.3) (SCI)

32. 第一作者, (2020). Removal of manganese, ferrous and antibiotics from groundwater simultaneously using peroxymonosulfate-assisted in-situ oxidation/coagulation integrated with ceramic membrane process. Separation and Purification Technology2020; 252: 117492. (中科院一区,IF=8.6(SCI)

33. 第一作者, (2019). Peroxymonosulfate assisted iron electrolysis for electro-oxidation coagulation combined with ceramic membrane ultrafiltration for manganese and phosphorus removal in surface water. Chemical Engineering Journal., 365 (2019) 334-343(中科院一区,IF=15.1(SCI)

34. 第一作者, (2019). The performance of gravity-driven membrane (GDM) filtration for roofing rainwater reuse: Implications of roofing rainwater energy and rainwater purification. Science of The Total Environment 697(2019)134187. (中科院, IF=9.8(SCI)

35. 第一作者, (2019). Peroxymonosulfate-assisted electrolytic oxidation/ coagulation combined with ceramic ultrafiltration for surface water treatment: Membrane fouling and sulfamethazine degradation, Journal of Cleaner Production 235 (2019) 779-788. (中科院, IF=11.1(SCI)

36. 第一作者, (2019). The relationship between size-segregated particles migration phenomenon and combined membrane fouling in ultrafiltration processes: the significance of shear stress. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers. 96 (2019) 45-52 (中科院三区, IF=5.7) (SCI)

37. 第一作者, (2017)., Particle deposition on flat sheet microfiltration membranes under bubbly and slug flow aeration in coagulation-microfiltration process: Effects of particle characteristic and shear stress, Journal of membrane science., 541 (2017) 668-676.(中科院一区,IF=9.5 (SCI)

38. 第一作者, (2017). Impact of bubbly flow in feed channel on forward osmosis for wastewater treatment: flux performance and biofouling, Chemical Engineering Journal. 316 (2017) 1047-1058. (中科院一区,IF=15.1 (SCI)

39. 第一作者, (2017). Removal of iron, manganese and ammonia from groundwater using a PAC-MBR system: The anti-pollution ability, microbial population and membrane fouling, Desalination, 403 (2017) 97-106.(中科院区,IF=9.9 (SCI)

40. 第一作者, (2017), Control of submerged hollow fiber membrane fouling caused by fine particles in photocatalytic membrane reactors using bubbly flow: Shear stress and particle forces analysis, Separation and purification technology. 172 (2017) 130-139. (中科院一区,IF=8.6(SCI)

41. 第一作者, (2014)., Removal of antimony (III) from polluted surface water using a hybrid coagulationflocculationultrafiltration process, Chemical Engineering Journal, 254 (2014) 293-301. (中科院一区,IF=15.1 (SCI)

42. 第一作者, (2017). Shear stress in a pressure-driven membrane system and its impact on membrane fouling from a hydrodynamic condition perspective: a review, Journal of chemical technology and biotechnology. 92 (2017) 463-478.(中科院区:工程技术,IF=3.4(SCI)

43. 第一作者, (2016). Cake properties in ultrafiltration of TiO2 fine particles combined with HA: in situ measurement of cake thickness by fluid dynamic gauging and CFD calculation of imposed shear stress for cake controlling, Environmental Science and Pollution Research 23 (2016) 8806-8818. (中科院三区:环境科学与生态学,IF=5.8 (SCI)

44. 通讯作者, (2019)., TiO2/CTS/ATP吸附联合超滤工艺去除腐殖酸的研究. 工业水处理, 2019(06)35~38+42

45. 通讯作者, (2022)., 铁电解活化PMS耦合低压膜工艺处理含抗生素医药废水的研究,水处理技术,2022,48(01)

46. 通讯作者, (2022)., KMnO4强化混凝耦合超滤去除湖库水中共存铁锰藻, 中国给水排水, (2022) 1-8. 2022年中国给水排水杂志社“苏伊士”优秀论文二等奖)

47. 通讯作者, (2021)., 屋面雨能驱动微滤膜池耦合电氧化消毒处理雨水[J].环境工程. 2021,39(03)

48. 通讯作者, (2022).,电氧化耦合陶瓷膜处理南方某医院污水的研究[J]. 水处理技术, 2022,48(01)

49. 第一作者, (2022).,电氧化(EO)耦合纳滤(NF)工艺(EO-NF)处理微污染苦咸水研究[J].水处理技术, 20224804

50. 通讯作者, (2021)..电还原/原位絮凝耦合陶瓷膜去除地表水中Cr[J]. 给水排水,20215702

51. 第一作者, (2013)., PPCPFS联用去除水源水中TlSb复合污染, 哈尔滨工业大学学报, (2013) 33-37. EI

52. 第一作者, (2018)..压力驱动膜系统中流体剪切力及其对膜污染的影响[J].膜科学与技术,2018,38(06):138-148

53. 第一作者, (2014)., 北江水源水混凝沉淀超滤工艺低通量中试研究, 给水排水, (2014) 9-13. (给水排水杂志社沃德杯第五届《给水排水》优秀论文)

54. 第一作者, (2013)., 混凝/超滤工艺处理北江原水的低通量运行, 中国给水排水, (2013) 38-41.

55. 李圭白,杜星,余华荣,瞿芳术,梁恒. 关于创新与地下水除铁除锰技术发展的若干思考. 给水排水, (2016) 9-16. 给水排水杂志社沃德杯第七届《给水排水》优秀论文)

56. 通讯作者, (2023). LMB的制备及联合陶瓷膜用于二沉池出水深度除磷 [J]. 水处理技术, 2023, 49 (03): 72-76+82.

57. 通讯作者, (2022)..电絮凝/陶瓷膜滤/UV消毒/一体化设备雨水处理研究.中国给水排水,已录用,2022.

58. 通讯作者, (2023).曝气流化水钠锰矿耦合浸没式陶瓷超滤膜除锰研究 ,中国给水排水 [J]. 2023, (已录用).


1.一种侧壁浓缩排泥浸没式 超滤膜制水试验反应器,2012.10.31,中国,ZL201210427434.0 (授权发明专利)

2.具有二次在线混凝功能的超滤膜池, 2013.4.28,中国, ZL201310156980.X (授权发明专利)

3.一种具有生物接触氧化功能的管道式给水处理装置,2019.04.26ZL201821273169.4 (授权实用新型专利)

4.一种利用屋面雨能处理屋面雨水的重力驱动低压膜池,2019.03.29ZL 201920412682.5 (授权实用新型专利)

5.一种设有初期降雨自动弃流装置的屋面雨水处理系统,2019.04.10ZL 201920474989.8 (授权实用新型专利)

6.一种高效水力混合絮凝反应器,2020.06.12,中国, ZL201921327561.7 (授权实用新型专利)

7.一种屋面雨水处理一体化装置,2021.10.14,中国, ZL202122481439.9 (授权实用新型专利)




11.一种絮凝超滤装置,2023. 01.24,中国,ZL202222619298.7(授权实用新型专利)











8.Xing Du; Yuan Wang; Xuefei Liu; Greg Leslie; Heng Liang; Guibai Li, Particle deposition on flat sheet membranes under bubbly and slug flow aeration in coagulation microfiltration process: Effects of particle characteristic and shear stress, The 9th International Membrane Science And Technology Conference, Adelaide Convention Centre, 2016.12.5-12.8 (Oral)

9.Xing Du, Removal of iron, manganese and ammonia from groundwater using a PAC-MBR system, The 2nd International Conference on Desalination using Membrane Technology, Singapore Expo Convention Centre, 2015.7.26-7.29 (Oral)

10.Xing Du; Yuan Wang; Xuefei Liu; Greg Leslie; Heng Liang; Guibai Li, Particle deposition on flat sheet membranes under bubbly and slug flow aeration in coagulation-microfiltration process, International Society for Porous Media, UNSW, 2016.11.30-12.2 (Poster)



1. 杜星,宋伟,王志红.OBE理念下给排水科学与工程专业实验教学体系探讨[J].教育教学论坛(拟于20243月发表)

2.杜星,孙琼,王志红,秦雯,聂锦旭. OBE理念下开展大学生科技创新活动探讨——以16877太阳集团安全入口“水质工程学”课程为例进[J]. 教育教学论坛,2023416



1. 2023.092023 年度广东省市政行业协会科学技术奖一等奖(技术开发), 原位削减屋面径流污染的雨水处理回用技术研究,排名:3/15

2.2022.12 2022年度广东省绿色与装配式发展领域科技进步二等奖:装配式村镇污水处理系统关键技术研究与应用,广东省科学技术厅排名:5/15

3. 2022.08,第六届全国水处理与循环利用学术会议优秀会议报告奖,中国环境科学学会水处理与回用专业委员会

4. 2022.08,第六届全国水处理与循环利用学术会议优秀会议海报奖,中国环境科学学会水处理与回用专业委员会

5. 2022.08全国给排水科学与工程专业毕业设计竞赛 二等奖

6. 20212023 16877太阳集团安全入口校优秀共产党员

7. 2023年16877太阳集团安全入口度优秀研究生导师

8. 2023 16877太阳集团安全入口实验室安全工作优秀个人

9. 2018202020222024年16877太阳集团安全入口毕业设计创新奖

10. 2021--2022年度16877太阳集团安全入口教学优秀一等奖

11. 2017--2018年度16877太阳集团安全入口教学优秀二等奖

12. 20192021202216877太阳集团安全入口先进科技工作者, 二等

13. 2017.04 黑龙江省三好学生

14. 2016.11 教育部 博士国家奖学金

15. 2015.06  国家留学基金管理委员会 国家留学基金资助出国留学资格证书

16. 2014.06  哈尔滨工业大学 校优秀党支部书记

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